65 She hooked the wagon and climed up the corporate ladder.
(答え)In our company your talent only makes you climb up the corporate ladder.
* hook the wagonはあまり使わないので覚えなくていいです。
66 His plan to expand his business went up in smoke. He is now leading a dog’s life.
(答え)Just one mistake makes all your effort go up in smoke.
67 You are born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
(答え)Those who are born with a silver spoon in thier mouth cannot understand the difficulties the poor went through.
68 When she began to sing on stage, I was sold.
(答え)I was just sold at his experiences on volunteer activities.
69 Hundreds f thousands of people flocked to the concert hall to enjoy Nancy Willson’s concert.
(答え)Hundreds of thousands of people flocked to a park, doing Pokemon Go.
* 「大勢の」というのはいろんな言い方があります。
zillions of, millions of, thousands of, hundreds of どれも同じ意味です
70 Tom and Bob are like oil and water. They fight quite often. But, usually it’s a storm in a teacup.
(答え)My problem is a storm in a teacup compared to thier problem.
71 Tom is eating his heart out over not having graduated from university.
(答え)She is eating her heart out over not having said good-bye to her mother at her deathbed.
72 During the bubble economy, investors were investing money in stocks like lambs going to a slaughter
(答え)When he gets scolded by his wife, he obeys his wife like a lamb going to a slaughter
73 I left the party early yesterday. I was like a fish out of water. I knew nobody there
(答え)She was the only American amongst all Japanese. She must have felt a fish out of water
74 She is crying again? Just leave her alone. It’s just a crocodile tears
彼女、また泣いてるって? ほっとけばいいさ。どうせ嘘泣きだから
(答え)Small children sometimes shed a crocodile tears trying to draw attention of his parent.
75 Tom gets mad only once in a blue moon
(答え)I sing Karaoke songs only once in a blue moon
* 類似表現;once in awhile